Home > Hobbies > Poetry > Archive > Field
Note from Joe: The 3rd verse is horrifying. If you wonder what on earth Eugene Field was thinking, please read on.

The bumper sticker that says "Imagine World Peace" is nice, but there is another bumper sticker that is far more effective at motivating people to actually WORK for world peace, and that is the bumper sticker that says, "Imagine World War". Although that sticker seems cruel and evil at first glance, the truth is that if more people spent more time deeply contemplating the true horrors of war, and seeing it vividly in their mind's eye, they'd be more vigilant in preventing it.

That logic explains the following poem. Although it seems inexcusably cruel the first time you read it, the truth is that it is horrifying thoughts like these that can strongly motivate parents to raise their children to be upright ladies and gentlemen, instead of letting them grow up like weeds without proper moral training, and wind up in prison or worse.

Home > Hobbies > Poetry > Archive > Field